Monday, September 5, 2011

Indian Family and Autism

Consider typical family traditions and values in a Indian household.  The type that encourages joint family gatherings whenever possible - grandparents are welcome to drop in and stay on even in modern nuclear families. The attention and care that parents and grandparents give to children - sacrificing personal and sometimes even professional time and careers. Utter selflessness in services to children and encouragement of joint family type environments are features that significantly help autistic children. 
  1.  I can personally vouch that an autistic kid gets a lot of  benefit from this exposure to  a lovable social environment and social play in the company of his grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts and so on. Adi has been able to improve on his social challenges by spending at least 3-4 months of each year in the company of his grandparents and recently, of his aunt and uncle and cousins. Numerous festivals and other occasions for get togethers provide special needs children much needed acclamatization to the company of others in an informal, non-classroom, no pressure environment.
  2. Also, typical Indian parents will sacrifice enormous personal time, space and expenses, and even professional time and in some cases careers, for the sake of their children. This is ingrained in the Indian psyche - nobody does this thinking what a great sacrifice we have made.  Perhaps no other trait helps autistic children more - the attention span that a typical Indian parent provides towards the education and upbringing of their children to the expense of everything else. Even in USA - the typical consideration for a Indian family to select an apartment or house is always linked to the availability of the best school district . For special needs children,  I can say from personal experience that the Indian family will do painstaking research - both in person, third party and on the Internet - for identifying whether the school with high overall scores also has good facilities for autistic children. If we can afford an IPAD and my special needs child benefits from it - we will go for it. Else even if we can afford it, we consider it as a luxury and wait for discounts, markdowns and forever prevaricate.
  3. Variety for the senses and sensory improvements - typical Indian household will have, over a period of time, a wide variety of food being cooked and shared. Lot of music and appreciation of the same.  Lot of TV with music videos, comedy and family oriented entertainment. All which special needs children really benefit from - and in many western families, parents will really spend money to organize such environments as part of therapy. For Indian families, this often comes free.
  4. No shouting with parents. Love towards siblings. Eating properly. Regular hygiene habits. These are part and parcel of everyday family life and so often emphasized in households - becomes automatic therapy for children.
  5. Special needs children depend on emotional support from their parents. Not just kindness, but patience and a feeling of "he too is my own and deserves a life of respect". This feeling is so ingrained in the psyche of Indian families that it automatically channelizes into actions and thoughts that keep the special needs child within the "family" in everything the family does and thinks. I know of several mid East and far east families who are constantly ashamed and embarrassed that they have a special needs child and go through life hiding and isolating the child from the broader family and neighbours. Never in an Indian family.



    (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in India has been restricted to a few centers and the reasons for its non expansion to other centers may be varied. Doctors are rarely taught about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in medical school and therefore most do not know about the benefits it renders. If physicians don't know about a therapy, they obviously won't prescribe it. )

    What is autism?
    Autism is a brain developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years old. The autism spectrum disorders (ASD) also include related conditions such as Asperger Syndrome that have milder signs and symptoms.

    Who does autism typically affect?
    While the cause of Autism is unknown at this time, there are many theories as to the source of the condition. Some medical professionals claim that the Autism is caused by a state of hypoxia, or lack of oxygen to areas of the brain. Others state that the condition was due to a high fever or infection, trauma during birth, mineral or other nutritional deficiencies, vaccination reactions, mercury poisoning, chemical exposures, or abnormal blood flow in the brain. The prevalence of ASD is about 6 per 1,000 people, with about four times as many boys as girls.

    What are the most common symptoms of autism?
    Those with Autism may exhibit varying degrees of atypical behavior that significantly interferes with the learning process. It is distinguished not by a single symptom, but by a characteristic triad of symptoms: impairments in social interaction; impairments in communication; and restricted interests and repetitive behavior.

    What are the traditional treatments for the autism?.
    Drugs such as serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, Ritalin, and various vitamin programs are used to decrease symptoms. Also, identifying and eliminating certain food allergies and sensitivities from the diet as well as behavioral treatment programs and chelation therapy (removal of heavy metals and toxic chemicals from the body) are all common treatments to decrease symptoms of Autistic behavior. There is no known cure at this time.

    Why is autism amenable to oxygen therapy?

    The rationale behind using HBOT for Autism is that the treatments increase cerebral blood flow, therby delivering oxygen to areas of the brain which are thought to be hypoxic. Greater amounts of blood and oxygen stimulate cerebral tissues and aid in recovery of idling neurons. HBOT also reduces swelling of brain tissues which aid in neurological function. Hyperbaric oxygen is also used in conjunction with chelation and other detox procedures to help support the body to deal with the impact commonly seen in the removal of heavy metals, mercury, toxins, and other contaminants.

    What benefits can I expect from oxygen therapy for autism?

    Since every patient is different it is hard to predict the result in each individual case. The usual course of oxygen therapy is once daily, five days a week for eight weeks. If a significant response is noted after 40 HBOT treatments, then additional treatments may be helpful.

    For More information:

    Bird Medical Devices
    Call:9769 484 123 / 9769 006 123
    Tel: 91-22-65 655 123
    Email: /


    The information provided does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made.

  2. Thanks for the informative article. There are few well-known Best Speech Therapists In Kolkata who provide autism treatment in kolkata. Looking forward to more informative articles from you.
